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Mel Fisher's Atocha 8 Reale Cob Shipwreck Coin Piece of 8 Sterling Silver Pendant | Artifact #3228

Mel Fisher's Legendary Atocha - 1622: Commemorating 400+ Years of History in an Heirloom Pendant

In the world of shipwreck treasure coins, Mel Fisher's Atocha reigns supreme!

Please Note: This is an authentic Atocha Shipwreck Treasure Coin, and you will receive the exact pendant in the photographs and description.


PLEASE NOTE: We are working overtime to bring you new treasures. We added this amazing piece with one photo and a video, while we're are working to get the rest of the photos finished and up. Check back soon for more photos, or adopt this one before it finds a home with another pirate.

Atocha is the most famous Spanish galleon in shipwreck history! Mel Fisher spent 16 years searching for her... and every day he would tell his divers: “Today’s the Day!”  Years of trials and heartbreak were endured, along with attacks by the State and Federal government, who wanted to claim what Fisher found along the way.  At last, one fateful morning in 1985 Fisher and his faithful crew hit the “mother lode...” hundreds of millions in glittering Spanish silver and gold!

Your Shipwreck Shipwreck Treasure Coin

  • Grade: 4
  • Denomination: 8 Reale
  • Date: circa 1598-1621
  • Assayer: Not visible  
  • Mint: Potosi, Upper Peru - Present Day Bolivia
  • Ruler: King Philip III of Spain
  • Coin Metal: Silver
  • Bezel Metal: Proprietary, non-tarnishing sterling silver
  • Obverse (Front): The Greek Cross 
  • Reverse: (Back): The shield of King Philip III of Spain 
  • Articulating Nautical Shackle Bail Interior Diameter: Will accommodate chain or leather necklace up to LARGE 7.5mm - FITS our custom made 6.5mm Tortuga Anchor Chain
  • Pendant size including bezel: Size: 1 5/8" Across, 2 1/4" Tall - the width of a silver dollar

Robert's Notes: Very nice cross and visible Philip III shield. VIDEO Voice Over

It has a very nice thickness to it. The shape and sea wear pattern suggests that is was removed from the outer edge of the remains of a treasure chest.

It is difficult for photos to capture how beautiful this coin is in hand. 

We treasure hunters affectionately call these coins "Key West Dog Tags." Sidle up (if there's no horse, it's sidle) to an oyster bar wearing this and you will turn heads!

Very piratical!

NOTES ON THIS ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY: This coin comes with its original, historic Treasure Salvor's, Inc., raised seal Certificate and coin flip insert issued in 1986. Long before Mel Fisher and his dedicated crew "hit the mother lode," someone believed in Fisher and the magic and mystery of searching for a lost Spanish galleon. When the Atocha was discovered, Fisher gave this coin and others to that investor as part of their return on investment. It has been safe-guarded in a safe deposit box since it was issued.

For more on Mel Fisher and Atocha, click here>

To see our complete collection of Spanish "Piece of Eight" treasure coins, click here>

Your Atocha Shipwreck Piece of Eight Pendant Comes Complete with:

  1. Our 100% Authentic Lifetime Guarantee
  2. Original Flip Insert and Embossed Sealed Mel Fisher Signed Treasure Salvors Atocha Certificate of Authenticity issued in 1986
  3. 10 Page Historic Brief about the Potosi Mint researched and written by Robert
  4. A frame-able artist's rendering of Atocha created from the original shipwright's plans for Atocha
  5. An archival photo of what a salvaged "treasure chest" looks like filled with thousands of coins
  6. "Pieces of Eight" Historic Brief
  7. The Coins of the Lost Galleons Book signed by Golden Crew Member Capt. KT Budde-Jones   
  8. Treasure Hunters Gazette Booklet
  9. Mini Museum Display for when you are not wearing your treasure
  10. A Treasure Jewelry Care Card

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with your treasure coin purchase. Choose your chain and enter Coupon Code: CHAIN at checkout. (Does not apply to discounted clearance chains.)

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We're Robert & April and we're here to help!

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Questions? Confused? Looking for a gift? We're experts at matching treasure to people. Give us a call at 503.436.1626, join us on Live Chat, or drop us an email at