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Every Treasure is Authentic and Comes Complete with a Full-Color, Multi-Page Certificate of Authenticity & Documenation Package

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Our Code of Ethics

Our Pledge to You...

While we are members of the American Numismatic Association, the Ancient Coin Collectors Guild, The Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association and Florida United Numismatists, and abide by their Codes of Ethics, we’ve created one of our own – because being honest and professional is just the beginning…

Cannon Beach Treasure Company Code of Ethics

  1. We make collecting shipwreck, buried and ancient coins and artifacts safe, fun and fascinating.
  2. We treat each customer they way we want to be treated; communicating in a timely, effective manner.
  3. We guarantee the authenticity of every coin and artifact we sell… forever.
  4. We conserve each artifact in our possession with the goal of stabilizing it for generations of enjoyment.
  5. Each coin and artifact we sell will come with detailed, multi-age, professionally researched and written Certificates of Authenticity unparalleled in the industry.
  6. We enthusiastically educate our customers, creating a new generation of Private Curators.
  7. We are forever students of history and the numismatic arts – it is our obligation to consistently increase our knowledge base and ability to educate our customers.
  8. We actively promote the essential role of the Private Curator in safeguarding the world’s shared cultural history.
  9. We treat each historic coin and artifact we curate as the precious piece of world heritage that it is.
  10. We mentor our crew, customers and community in their understanding of, and appreciation for, the cultures of the past that have helped to create our own.
  11. We protect, preserve and share information about the coins and artifacts in our personal collection.
  12. We make the study of history fun!

Robert Lewis Knecht April Knecht

Robert & April Knecht
Cannon Beach Treasure Company