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Pirate Chic - Genuine Spanish Silver Pieces of Eight

Pirates... treasure... shinning silver... legends... lore...

Two Reale Spanish Piece of Eight Pirate Coin Necklace

Piratical Treasure Coins for Men & Women

Our Pirate Chic collection of Spanish "Pieces of Eight" - the shinning silver coins of legend - are genuine buried treasure coins now conserved and ready for a lifetime of wear!

WE DID NOT PIERCE THESE COINS! Long ago they were pierced, sometimes to be strung together for safety from loss or pickpockets, but, more often, to be worn on bags, clothing or as jewelry, as this high-grade silver was a sign of status and distinction. Now, we have again made them wearable pieces of history and art fit for the pirate king or queen in all of us!

Like modern coins, Spanish Pieces of Eight - Reales to be proper - were made in different denominations, and because they are 90% silver, their value was based on their size. From the dime size 1/2 Reales to the Silver Dollar size 8 Reales, there are Pirate Chic coins to fit everyone (and they make great couple and family pendants too!)

Each Pirate Chic pendant comes complete with a multi-page Certificate of Authenticity and Documentation Package making them perfect for gift-giving!

A Note on Size...

Compare the coin denomination you are looking at to these guides for sizing (they appear here and in the photos for each piece of Pirate Chic jewelry).

Pirate Chic Spanish Reale Denomination Size Chart

Pirate Chic Spanish Reale Denomination Size Chart