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Antiquities and The Private Curator

Robert Lewis Knecht Teaches about Shipwreck CoinsWe believe that everyone should have the opportunity to own a small piece of our shared history! 30 years working with history lovers age six through 106 has taught us that authentic historic artifacts promote public awareness of these precious treasures of the past, and the vital role that conservation plays in safeguarding our cultural heritage.

When enough artifacts are found, and are represented in museums throughout the world, making these coins and artifacts available to Private Curators is not just acceptable, it is essential. Private Curatorship serves to safeguard are these treasures for future generations, while teaching, inspiring and deepening a love of, and appreciation for, the achievements of cultures that have lead, in a very real way, to the development of our modern world.

We actively support and defend the tradition of Private Curatorship, and are excited to join with you in the adventure tens of thousands have joined in the past – the adventure of keeping, protecting and sharing some of the world’s most fascinating treasures!


Welcome to the World of Private Curatorship!

Robert Lewis Knecht April KnechtWe welcome you to a family of historians and collectors - to a tradition of Private Curatorship that has preserved and safeguarded the treasures of the world for century after tumultuous century. Each of us is joined together in the belief that treasures are more than just former trade goods or objects of intrinsic value, but priceless ambassadors of past cultures and peoples - our ancestors - the people who created our shared history. Rather than speaking to us from the pages of books, or being locked out of sight in a government storage vault, these treasures live with us each day, inspiring wonder, curiosity and passion for our shared past. It is our hope that you will continue to preserve, safeguard, enjoy and share your unique piece of history as a true Private Curator.

April & Robert Lewis Knecht
Cannon Beach Treasure Company