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Celtic Ring Money Sterling & Steel

Certified Genuine Celtic Ring Money is at the Heart of Our Celtic Ring Money Jewelry Classics Collection

Each of these time-tested pieces of Celtic Ring Money jewelry begins with the ring - professionally conserved and authenticated Celtic Ring Money.

You will notice that each piece of Celtic Ring Money is unique - first, because each was created by an ancient Celtic metalsmith, and second, because each is hand-conserved in our Conservation Lab to maximize its beauty. Some rings bear the green patina acquired from thousands of years in metal-rich soil, while other emerge from the Conservation Lab with the shinning bronze patina they had while in use 2,000+ years ago.

Of Special Note: We’ve been working with Ancient Celtic Ring Money daily for over ten years. Conserving and authenticating these rare artifacts is a Cannon Beach Treasure Company specialty. Each one comes to us still in the soil that it was buried in for millennia. Each is individually analyzed, lovingly hand-conserved, and documented in our Conservation lab. We are the world’s premier source for authentic Celtic Ring Money, and are proud to bring you these stunning pieces of our shared history.

You may also be interested in our sterling silver and bronze hand-hammered Ancient Anvil Celtic Ring Money jewelry collection here>>>

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