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Byzantine Empire 24K Gold Angel VICTORY Solidus Circa 457 AD in 18K Gold Pendant | Artifact #8564

The Byzantine Gold Solidus: Angel with VICTORY

Please Note: This is an authentic ancient Byzantine Treasure Coin, and you will receive the exact pendant in the photographs and description.


By the early 5th Century, the once dominant Roman Empire was a fragmented collection of on-again, off-again allied or warring regions.  Divided roughly between the western and eastern halves of the empire, the glory of Rome was no longer.  Out of the ashes of this once great society rose the empire that would dominate European culture, economics and warfare for close to a millennium:  The Eastern Roman, or Christian Byzantine Empire.

From its origins to the height of its glory, Byzantine coinage bearing the Cross of Christ, celebrated the faith of the Christian empire. And most prized among its coinage is the early era Gold Solidus featuring the Cross Potent - said to represent the Jeweled Cross of Calvary placed on Golgotha Hill by Roman Emperor Theodosius II. Pure Gold, shinning and heavy, this gleaming Solidus is a testament to the coin maker's art... and faith.

Your Byzantine Gold Solidus:

  • Denomination: Solidus
  • Emperor:  LEO I
  • Ruling Period: 457-474 AD
  • Coin struck: 462-465
  • Mint: Constantinople (CONOB)
  • Obverse (Front): Facing bust of Leo I holding spear over shoulder
  • Reverse (Back): VICTORIA AVGG 4th officina, Angel facing holding long jeweled cross, star to right; mintmark CONOB
  • Coin Metal purity: 24K Gold
  • Coin weight: 4.3 grams
  • Bezel Metal: 18K Gold
  • Articulating Bail Interior Diameter: Will accommodate chain or leather necklace up to 6.2mm
  • Pendant size including bezel (frame): 1” Across, 1 3/8” Tall - the width of a US quarter

Robert's Notes:This is one of the most beautiful gold coins to work with. It is almost uncirculated. And it is extremely rare to acquire one with a prefect visible VICTORIA next to the angel. It is in stunning condition considering it is almost pure gold and is over 1,500 years old.

Coin Notes:VICTORIA signifies that ruler is victorious in Christ. The angle holds a long jeweled cross. It is one of the earliest uses of a cross on coins.  

Officina letter signifies a subdivision of the mint - used to keep control of the quality of a coin, just like mint and assayer marks on Spanish coins. 

Additional Byzantine History: The Byzantine Empire was firmly rooted in its Greek past.  Byzantines were mainly Greek-speakers throughout Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Their capital city was Constantinople, which was also known historically as Byzantium.  After the 5th century collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire continued to thrive and grow in influence, and while we refer to the “Byzantine Empire” or “Eastern Roman Empire,” they referred to their country as simply the “Roman Empire.”

Byzantine money – the money used in the Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the West – was made up of two very different types of coins:  the gold solidus and a variety of bronze coins with clearly defined values.  By the end of the empire, coins were issued in silver and bronze only.

Your Byzantine Gold Solidus Pendant comes with:

  1. Our 100% Authentic Lifetime Guarantee
  2. A Detailed, Multi-Page Certificate of Authenticity Researched and Written by April Knecht and Robert Lewis Knecht
  3. Treasure Hunters Gazette Booklet
  4. Mini Museum Display frame to view your treasure when you are not wearing it
  5. A Treasure Jewelry Care Card

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